Why you should complete your course

Sometimes studying can be hard, especially if you’re balancing a job or family responsibilities.
However, the benefits for finishing your course greatly outweigh any difficulties you might face.
So stick with it!
Completing makes you more employable
With the practical skills you gain from a VET course, you’ll find that what you’ve learnt will help you:
- get your first job
- get back into work after a break
- get a better job with your new skills
- change into a better career.
Your qualification is a great pathway
- VET courses are part of national training packages, which means the course you finish in NSW will be recognised in any other state or territory in Australia.
- If you want to undertake further training in another state or territory, you might find you get credit transfer or recognition of prior learning for what you’ve already learnt in NSW.
- You can use your qualification as a base for further qualifications. For instance, your Certificate III or IV can be the starting point for a diploma or advanced diploma.
- You may also get a credit for your completed qualifications, meaning you’ll be able to finish your next qualification faster.
- You can use your completed qualification to help get into university. You might also get credit for your previous studies.
Training Services NSW can help
If you’re having problems with your Smart and Skilled training provider and you want to complete your course, contact us on 13 28 11 to see how we can help .