A Conversation Guide to improve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student retention
Developed to support conversations between Directors, Educational Leadership, Principals and School Leaders.
A Conversation Guide (the ‘Guide’) has been developed to support dialogue in schools to improve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student HSC attainment rates linked to the Premier’s Priority. The guide provides a range of strategies, discussion points and questions to ponder as well as key tools and resources.
As school leaders we have a responsibility to work innovatively with one another to challenge our thinking and hold each other to account. Meaningful, collaborative conversations are a critical way of achieving that end. This Guide supports school leaders (Principals, DEL's, PSL's, PCM's, leaders, and executives) to develop these conversations with teachers, Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander students, parents, carers, and their communities as a critical way of achieving improvement in Aboriginal student retention and attendance rates.
It provides:
- A range of strategies for school leaders to consider trialling in their school to provide support to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.
- Discussion points and questions to help support dialogue between school leaders and other key players.
- Key tools and resources to support school leaders to plan and assess specific challenges and opportunities, ensure policy is followed and reporting is undertaken.
Timeframe for use:
Schools and school leaders can use the Guide as part of the school planning process to improve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student aspirational pathways, engagement, attendance, retention, HSC attainment and support for students at key transition points.
Intended audience:
All NSW school leaders (Principals, DEL's, PSL's, PCM's, leaders, and executives) working with Secondary enrolments, particularly Years 10-12. It is designed to support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students regardless of the size of the school, the socio-economic status, or the metropolitan, rural or remote setting.
Instructions for use:
Instructions for use are included within the resource.
Evidence base:
- Strong Strides Together – Meeting the educational goals for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, CESE July 2022
- Pathways for the Future Pilot Project – Summary report, NSW Government Every Day Counts, Student Attendance Guide
- Supporting Aboriginal Students to Attain the HSC, CESE
- Indigenous Cultural Competency in the Australian Teaching Workforce – Discussion paper, AITSL Sept 2020
- Understanding Attendance – a review of the drivers of school attendance and best practice approaches, CESE June 2022
- When Teachers Believe, Students Achieve – Collaborative Inquiry Builds Teacher Efficacy for Better Student Outcomes, The Learning Professional Vol. 38 No.6 Dec 2017
Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
Aboriginal Education Policy, Our Plan for NSW Public Education
Alignment to School Excellence Framework:
This resource aligns to aspects of the Learning, Teaching and Leading Domains with particular focus on learning culture, wellbeing and reporting.
Consulted with:
Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate, Teaching Quality and Impact Directorate, State Aboriginal Education Consultative Group, Secondary Principals Council – Aboriginal Reference Group.
Reviewed by:
Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate.
Created/last updated:
December 2023.
Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback can be provided via the survey or QR code below.