NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Aboriginal Student Factsheet
The Aboriginal Year 12 completers and early school leavers NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey 2022, was originally published in December 2023.
The factsheet provides a high-level overview of findings from the 2022 NSW Secondary Students’ Post-Destinations and Experiences Survey relating to two different cohorts of Aboriginal recent school leavers: Year 12 completers and early school leavers.
Recent studies show a clear link between completion of Year 12 and positive future employment and higher educational outcomes. This resource can be used by a range of school-based staff to support Aboriginal students through key transition stages, in particular subject selection Stage 5 into 6 and exploring post school pathways.
Research in Australia and overseas points to strategies in three main areas that have shown to be effective in secondary schools for increasing engagement, achievement and school completion among Indigenous students. School-wide strategies that work to maintain student engagement and improve learning outcomes include broad curriculum provision, quality vocational education and training (VET) options and quality career education programs which are vital to successful student outcomes.
Timeframe for use:
This resource can be used by a range of school-based staff to support Aboriginal students through key transition stages in particular subject selection Stage 5 into 6 and post school pathways.
Intended audience:
Careers Advisors, Transition Advisors, Teachers.
Evidence base:
Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
This resource has been designed and aligned to the following key drivers of Aboriginal Education:
Aboriginal Education Policy:
The department will improve lifelong learning pathways for Aboriginal learners. This will include transitions: from home to school, through primary and secondary education and from school into further study and employment. The department is also committed to increasing the participation and retention of Aboriginal students in schools.
Closing the Gap:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students achieve their full learning potential; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students reach their full potential through further education pathways and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth are engaged in employment or education.
Alignment to School Excellence Framework: School Excellence Framework:
Teaching Domain – Data Skills and Use, Learning Domain – Reporting, Leading Domain – Educational Leadership.
Consulted with:
This fact sheet was produced in collaboration with the Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate and Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE).
Reviewed by:
This publication was reviewed by Aboriginal Education and Communities Directorate and Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE).
Created/last updated:
December 2023.
Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback on this resource can be provided via the survey or QR code below.

Resource Link
To access this resource, please visit: NSW Post-School Destinations and Experience Survey.