Challenging Racism
Racism is not tolerated in NSW government schools. A range of anti-racism education resources are available to assist educators, including a panel discussion led by Stan Grant.
This resource provides a ‘teaser’ version of a panel film, developed as a resource to align with release of the revised Anti-Racism Policy, with the intention of encouraging viewing of the full-version film. The panel discusses the theme of ‘Challenging Racism’, and is facilitated by Stan Grant. Participants include Murat Dizdar PSM and various students and teaching staff.
Access to video via online, delivery of resource anticipated to be in staff meetings, with accompanying learning resources, as well as directly in classrooms as a teaching and learning resource.
The Anti-Racism Policy Training course (NR30069), mandatory from 2022, aims to increase staff understanding of the nature and impact of racism, familiarise staff with the revised Anti-Racism Policy and increase staff understanding of their responsibilities in implementing the policy. All staff are required to complete the training every 2 years.
Timeframe for use:
Access to video via online, delivery of resource anticipated to be in staff meetings, with accompanying learning resources, as well as directly in classrooms as a teaching and learning resource.
Intended audience:
All staff are required to complete the training every 2 years.
Instructions for use:
This training is now available via MyPL.
To access the anti-racism resources please use the following link: Anti-racism education
Evidence base:
The Anti-Racism Policy and anti-racism education programs are informed by research that is relevant to the NSW public school context and linked to improving the learning and wellbeing of students, and the school experiences of students, staff and community members.
Alignment to system priorities and/or needs:
Aboriginal Education Policy:
The department will provide Aboriginal cultural education for all staff and education about Aboriginal Australia for all students, as it is everybody’s business. The strength, diversity, ownership and richness of Aboriginal cultures and Custodianship of Country are respected, valued and promoted. The department is committed to collaborative decision making with Aboriginal Peoples, parents, caregivers, families and their communities.
NSW AECG Partnership Agreement:
The department recognises the NSW Aboriginal Education Consultative Group Incorporated as the peak Community advisory body to the department on Aboriginal education at all levels and in all stages of planning and decision making.
Alignment to School Excellence Framework:
Learning Domain – Wellbeing. Teaching Domain – Learning and Development. Leading Domain - Educational Leadership, School Planning Implementation and Reporting, School Resources and Management Practices and Processes.
Consulted with:
Multicultural Education.
Reviewed by:
Aboriginal Education and Communities in collaboration with Multicultural Education.
Created/last updated:
December 2023.
Anticipated resource review date:
This resource will be reviewed in December 2024. To ensure ongoing improvement of this resource, feedback on this resource can be provided via the survey or QR code below.

Resource Link
To access this resource, please visit: Anti-racism education.