Flexible multiplicative strategies - single digit numbers

Using the resource

This resource is the second section of a 4 part resource supporting flexible multiplicative thinking. Use this resource in conjunction with the other resources in this series in order to support a connected network of critical mathematical concepts, skills and understanding.

Supporting tasks

Full instructions on how to use each of these tasks, including materials, related tasks and learning intentions are included in the resource, are available via the Universal Resources Hub.

Task 1: Sharing cupcakes

Students use cupcakes images to model and record sharing.

Task 2: Understanding division situations

Students  explore different types of division problems and use different strategies to solve them.

Task 3: How many leaps?

Students investigate how to model a problem to help them make sense of and solve it.

Task 4: Subitising arrays

Using arrays assists students to view rows of items as a countable unit. Exploring array representations in this task helps students move beyond rhythmic and skip counting.

Task 5: Understanding the commutative property

Supports students’ understanding of the commutative property, recognising that the order in which we multiply numbers is irrelevant; the product is the same regardless of the order.

Task 6: Investigating related facts

Students learn how to use known facts to work out problems they don’t know the answer to.

Task 7: Is 6 fives exactly the same as 5 sixes?

Students use the commutative property to solve problems and learn how the product of differing numbers of groups and numbers in each group can be the same.

Task 8: Would you rather?

Students use visualisations to represent equivalence and the commutative property of multiplication.

Task 9: Create an array

Students use array sheets and paper to make nominated arrays.

Task 10: Partitioning arrays

Students explore arrays to examine the various ways composite units can be partitioned..

Task 11: Partially covered arrays

Encourages students to use their understanding of array structures to explore efficient strategies when solving concealed array problems.

Task 12: Multiplication toss

From Dianne Siemon, RMIT University

Students watch the Multiplication toss video and explore the partitioning strategy.

Task 13: Relating tens and fives

Students use arrays to learn how ‘fives’ can be solved by doubling and halving.

Task 14: 2s, 5s and 10s bingo

Students play bingo to increase fluency in foundational facts about 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Task 15: Doubles fill

Students watch the Doubles fill video then use a range of strategies to develop fluency with doubles facts.

Task 16: Multiples madness: fives

Students watch Multiples madness: fives video to help develop fluency with 5s facts.

Task 17: Factors fun

Students watch Factors fun video and use their knowledge of related facts and consider using the inverse operation in order to solve problems.

Task 18: Introducing multiplication and division grids

Students explore similarities and differences between the hundred chart and multiplication and division grid to support understanding of this representation.

Task 19: Understanding the distributive property

Students explore similarities and differences between the hundred chart and multiplication and division grid to support understanding of this representation.

Task 20: Multiplicative versus additive strategies

Encourages students to shift from seeing multiplication as repeated addition to seeing the benefit of multiplicative thinking.

Task 21: Array bingo – partially covered arrays

Students watch the Partially covered arrays video and make connections between visual and symbolic representations of arrays.

Task 22: Go fish – collecting and solving doubles

Students watch the Go fish video and use different strategies to solve double facts. .

Task 23: How many unique characters

Students watch How many unique characters - part 1 and Watch How many unique characters – part 2 videos then explore how many different combinations can be made with action characters using the ‘for each’ idea.

Task 24: reSolve fruit shop

Students watch the reSolve fruit shop 1 and reSolve fruit shop 2 videos then use an array to determine how many are in a collection

from reSolve: Maths by Inquiry

Task 25: Squares bingo

Students watch Squares bingo video to help develop confidence and fluency with square number facts.

Task 26: Number talk: Dot card talk 5

Students watch the Dot card talk 5 video then explore different ways of seeing a collection, emphasising thinking multiplicatively.

Task 27: Imagining dots – number talk

Students watch Imagining dots – part 1 and Imagining dots – part 2 videos then explore different ways of seeing a collection, emphasising thinking multiplicatively.

Task 28: Double or halve?

Students watch the Imagining dots – part 2 video to help develop confidence and fluency with doubling and halving.

Task 29: youcubed number visuals

Students watch youcubed number visuals video then explore different ways of seeing a collection, emphasising thinking multiplicatively

Task 30: Remainders game

Students watch Remainders game video to understand when a collection can’t be shared equally, there are remainders.  

Task 31: Tangrams – investigating fractions

Students watch the Tangrams - investigating fractions part 1, Tangrams - investigating fractions part 2 and Tangrams - investigating fractions part 3) then create and find the fractional value of rectangles made from tangram pieces. 

Task 32: Paper halving

Students watch Paper halving – part 1 and Paper halving – part 2 videos to build understanding of halves using paper folding and visualising.

Task 33: Which one doesn’t belong?

Students watch Which one doesn’t belong? video and use reasoning to explore common features and differences between representations of quantities. 


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