Flexible multiplicative strategies - sharing and forming groups
This resource was developed in partnership with the NSW Mathematics Strategy Professional Learning team, Curriculum Early Years and Primary Learners, and Literacy and Numeracy.
Using the resource
This resource is the first section of a 4 part resource supporting flexible multiplicative thinking. Use this resource in conjunction with the other resources in this series in order to support a connected network of critical mathematical concepts, skills and understanding.
Supporting tasks
Full instructions on how to use each of these tasks, including materials, related tasks and learning intentions are included in the resource, are available via the Universal Resources Hub.
Multiplicative situations
As there are many different meanings of multiplicative situations (equal groups, comparison, scale, rate, Cartesian products and area), learning in multiplication and division needs to be rich and varied, drawing from various contexts and situations. Situations can appear to be very different so students need to be aware of various situations and their connection to multiplication and division.
Task 1: Let’s share to be fair
Students watch the 'Let’s share to be fair' videos (parts 1 and 2) and investigate equal shares.
Task 2: Sharing collections
Students watch the Sharing collections videos (parts 1 and 2) to explore the different ways to share the same collection into equal groups.
Task 3: Composite unit cards
Students use Composite unit cards to develop an understanding of multiplication through composite units.
Task 4: Exploring arrays
Using arrays assists students to view rows of items as a countable unit. Exploring array representations in this task helps students move beyond rhythmic and skip counting.
Task 5: The counting game (by multiples of 5)
Students watch The counting game: multiples video and use repeated addition and subtraction, moving towards developing efficiency and fluency with multiplicative strategies.
Task 6: Bucket count: multiples
Students use composite unit cards and object bundles to see and use composite units as an efficient way to count collections
Task 7: How many rectangles?
Students watch the How many rectangles? videos (parts 1, 2 and 3) and investigate how they may look different but be equivalent in area.
Task 8: Handfuls – thinking multiplicatively
Students watch the Handfuls – Thinking multiplicatively video to explore the ‘for each’ idea when solving problems.
Task 9: Sharing by dealing
Supports students using a dealing strategy to consider the magnitude of each ‘share’. Encourages meaning making by connecting sharing to arrays.
Task 10: Array bingo
Students use a Think board and counters to make connections between visual representation of arrays and the language used to describe them.
Task 11: Problem creating
Students share their thinking and ways of representing when solving simple written problems.
Task 12: How many arrays?
Students use a fixed quantity of counters to create different arrays.
Task 13: Rolling arrays
Students use counters and a 1 – 10 sided dice to investigate repeated row structure as a means of measuring area and determining the product.
Task 14: Subitise this
Students to visualise multiplicative situations using composite unit cards to aid comprehension and support more efficient strategies.
Task 15: Bunches of balloons
Students watch the Bunches of balloons videos (parts 1 and 2) and explore the different to share the same collection into equal groups (from reSolve).
Task 16: Imagining dots
Students watch the Imagining dots videos (parts 1 and 2) then visualise and use their mathematical imagination to think multiplicatively.
Task 17: How many bales?
Adapted from Dianne Siemon, RMIT University
Students watch the How many bales? videos (parts 1 and 2) and use different multiplicative strategies to solve questions’
Task 18: For each game
Students watch the For each game video and practice imaging quantities to help work with numbers with greater flexibility and confidence.