Building place value
This resource was developed in partnership with the NSW Mathematics Strategy Professional Learning team, Curriculum Early Years and Primary Learners, and Literacy and Numeracy.
Using the resource
This resource is the last section of a 6 part resource supporting number knowledge. Use this resource in conjunction with the other resources in this series in order to support a connected network of critical mathematical concepts, skills and understanding.
Supporting tasks
Full instructions on how to use each of these tasks, including materials, related tasks and learning intentions are included in the resource, are available via the Universal Resources Hub.
Renaming numbers
Supporting development of the capacity to confidently rename numbers in various ways is one of the most important skills help understanding of place value .
Task 1: Capture 10
Students watch ‘Capture 10’ to learn how to play
Task 2: Ice cream sticks 1
Students watch ice cream sticks 1 – Quantifying Collections and learn how to play.
Place value
To promote place value understanding, encourage students to describe teen numbers such as 14 as 1 ten and 4 ones, flexibly naming numbers in different ways.
Task 3: Minute to win it
Students watch Minute to win it to learn how to play.
Variation 1: Different dice can be used to increase the size of the collection for example, 10, 12 or 20 sided dice
Variation 2: Use ice cream sticks to explore using different structures such as tally marks or bundles or 10
Task 4: Counting with understanding – up to 100
Students watch Counting with understanding up to 100 to learn how to play.
Task 5: 101 and you’re out
Students watch ‘101 and you’re out’ to learn how to play.
Variation 1: Increase the challenge by using numbers from 0-9. You can also use playing cards, make cards or make a spinner.
Variation 2: Roll the dice 4 times and only use four lines on the game board.
Whether we move up or down when rounding is determined by which landmark is closest in value. This is why having strong, transferable knowledge in relationships to other whole numbers is a critical focus of early years learning.
When a number is a multiple of 5, we round up to the nearest decade or hundred as 5 marks the midpoint between two decades.
Task 6: Hit it!
Students watch ‘Hit it!’ to learn how to play.
Task 7: Our place value system
Students watch ‘Our place value system’ to learn how to play.