Planning, programming and assessing TAS 7–10

The Years 7–10 technologies syllabuses focus on developing solutions to real-world problems. Students work collaboratively to analyse, design, test, document, implement and evaluate solutions to challenges.

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Stage 4 through the Technology Mandatory Years 7–8 Syllabus (2017). Students then have an opportunity to select from a range of elective TAS subjects in Stages 5 and 6.

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to design and produce solutions for authentic needs and opportunities
  • an option for student specialisation in secondary school through a range of syllabuses addressing particular technologies and aspects of design.

Have your say – syllabus consultation

NESA will release three draft syllabuses for public consultation as part of the NSW Curriculum Reform.

View the NESA information videos:

Technology 7–8 (2023)

Technology 7–8 Syllabus (2023) is to be implemented from 2026.

Computing Technology 7­–10 (2022)

The Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus (2022) is to be taught from 2024.

Computing Technology 7–10 is an elective course that enables students to develop technological skills and is organised into 2 categories, 'Enterprise information systems' and 'Software development'. The learning has been grouped into 6 focus areas divided between the 2 categories.

Students who commenced studying the Information and Software Technology 7–10 Syllabus (2003) in 2023 may continue to study that syllabus in 2024.

The design process

Technology education involves the process of designing and then making what has been designed.

What a quality task looks like

Through the design process, students develop a greater appreciation of the significant decision-making involved and develop critical thinking skills.

Developing a quality task

  • What specific content and outcomes do students need to learn?
  • What will be evidence of significant learning?
  • What is the total time available?
  • Do you have a budget?
  • Are materials and other resources available?
  • What equipment and facilities do you have available?

An authentic need or opportunity is meaningful to the student and has:

  • a real benefit, purpose and use
  • a real user who can provide feedback on design ideas and developments
  • real limitations such as time, money, materials, equipment
  • a real context influenced by specific social, ethical and environmental issues.
  • Introduce the design project to your students. Explain the non-negotiable aspects of the project and the negotiable aspects.
  • Specify the learning and assessment expectations and additional aspects such as:
    • time, money, materials and facilities available
    • expertise and community support available
    • need or opportunity
    • the user.
  • Negotiate with students any flexible aspects of the design project.
  • Decide on an appropriate design task with the students.

At this point students are ready to start their design project.

Evaluating the processes used and outcomes

Planning, managing and evaluating are essential for each of the above steps. Students must review actions, milestones, time and financial plans. Ongoing evaluation, related to the criteria of success, informs the students’ decision-making at each step.

At the conclusion of the project students reflect and learn about the processes used and outcomes.

Common technological language

Throughout Kindergarten to Year 12 students are encouraged to use consistent language when describing the technology process. Students:

Students consider the user, the client, the available resources and social, ethical and environmental issues. They establish the criteria for a successful design solution, set milestones and define the constraints for the project in a statement or brief.

Students explore options, consider existing solutions, generate alternatives, represent and refine ideas and develop options. They identify, explore and select resources such as techniques, materials and equipment that will best achieve the solution, taking into account the short-term and long-term impacts of their decisions and actions.

Students produce final design representations such as:

  • production drawings or storyboards
  • sequencing the step-by-step actions for production
  • managing safety risks
  • practising and refining techniques.

They produce the solution and reflect on its success, the process and the learning.

Program review tool

The program review tool is designed as a guide for program evaluation. It allows the reviewer to make notes on whether attributes are evident and if not, what action is needed for improvement.

A review of a program is best undertaken through a pair of fresh eyes, for example by another colleague, so that evidence of the program’s methodology and adherence to requirements are met.

Best practice in programming will inform the teacher of the learning content that is to be taught and how the learning addresses outcomes from the syllabus. A program should match the equipment and needs of the students in a class and the school’s specific context. A program may also link to general capabilities and other aspects of the syllabus.

Technological and Applied Studies syllabuses (2003–2019)

All Years 7 and 8 all students are required to complete the technology mandatory course.

The technology mandatory Years 7-8 course enables a way of thinking and doing to create quality solutions to everyday problems, opportunities and needs. Students work through a design process to:

  • develop and realise ideas
  • manage resources and processes
  • evaluate technology and design including social and environmental factors.

During the technology (mandatory) course, 4 to 8 design projects are created. Design-related content is the basis of a student's progression of learning through the course and must be addressed in each design project. To ensure a breadth of technological experience at least 6 different technologies are used to develop the design projects throughout the course.

Technology Mandatory Years 7–8 Syllabus (2017) contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Agricultural technology is an elective course that enables students to develop an understanding of environmental, social and economic factors affecting the Australian agricultural industry. It focuses on the interactions, development and management of sustainable and marketable plant and animal enterprises.

Practical experiences take up at least 50% of the course - during which sustainable and marketable plant and animal products are produced. Students work collaboratively to make environmentally and socially responsible management decisions that solve problems for their enterprise.

NESA's Agriculture Technology 7–10 Syllabus (2019) contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Design and technology is an elective course that develops a student's ability for innovative and creative thought through the planning and development of design projects related to real-life needs and situations.

Students develop and manage design projects through:

  • identifying needs and opportunities
  • researching and investigating existing solutions
  • analysing data and information
  • generating, justifying and evaluating ideas
  • experimenting with tools, materials and techniques
  • reflecting on the impact of their design on society and the environment.

NESA's Design and Technology 7–10 Syllabus (2019) contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Food technology is an elective course that develops students' knowledge, skills and understanding of the importance of food in ensuring the wellbeing of all Australians.

Students develop a range of food skills and understanding of food properties, processing, preparation, nutrition and consumption. They learn to evaluate food choices in a range of contexts and consider technological, cultural, economic, social and environmental factors.

Food preparation, nutrition and consumption are studied. Students select, prepare and present food that is nutritionally balanced, culturally and socially significant and safe to consume.

The NESA food technology page contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Graphics technology is an elective course that develops an understanding of the significance of graphical communication as a universal language and the techniques and technologies used to convey technical and non-technical ideas and information. Students read, interpret and produce graphical presentations that communicate information using a variety of techniques and media.

Students plan, develop and produce quality graphical presentations. They learn to design, prepare and present graphical presentations using both manual and computer-based drafting technologies.

The NESA graphics technology page contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Industrial technology is an elective course in which students use tools, machines and processes through the planning and production of quality practical projects. This may include study in focus areas of:

  • automotive
  • building and construction
  • electronics
  • engineering
  • farm maintenance
  • metal
  • multimedia
  • timber

A major emphasis of industrial technology is for active involvement in the planning, development and construction of quality practical projects in order to develop knowledge and skills in the application of work, health and safety (WHS); materials, tools and techniques; design; links to industry; workplace communication as well as societal and environmental impact.

The NESA industrial technology page contains the syllabus and support documentation.

Information and software technology is an elective course that enables students to develop knowledge, understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and evaluating information and software technology solutions.

Students complete projects focusing on developing solutions to real world problems. The projects integrate practical aspects and topics including:

  • internet and website development
  • artificial intelligence
  • multimedia
  • robotics and automated systems
  • digital media
  • database design
  • networking
  • software design.

The core essentials of hardware, software and users, as well as social and ethical issues and emerging technologies, are integrated throughout projects. Students collaboratively analyse, design, test, document, implement and evaluate software technology-based solutions.

Textiles technology is an elective course that enables students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to be creative, explore functional and aesthetic aspects of textiles and produce textile items.

During an investigation of the work of textile designers the historical, cultural and contemporary aspects of design are examined. Students explore the properties and performance of a range of textile items to enable them to justify the selection of textiles materials for specific end uses.

During the textiles technology course textile projects are designed, produced and evaluated from the following areas.

  • apparel
  • furnishings
  • costume
  • textile arts
  • non-apparel

Projects integrate the three core areas of study: design, properties and performance of textiles, and textiles and society.

The NESA textiles technology page contains the syllabus and support documentation.


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  • TAS
  • Teaching and Learning Support
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page
  • Year 10
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  • Year 12
  • Year 7
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  • Year 9

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