Computing Technology 7–10 (2022)

Resources including scope and sequences, units and assessment tasks to help you plan, program and assess the Computing Technology 7–10 elective course.

The sample teaching and learning resources guiding the implementation of the Stage 5 Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus are designed through the Phases approach. This information is designed to guide teachers through the phases approach to conceptual programming and enhance their understanding of the sample materials and the ways they can be adopted and adapted.

The Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus ensures modern and innovative areas within computing technology are explored by students. The syllabus is presented on a digital platform with interactive features to:

  • show teaching advice
  • show examples
  • view Life Skills
  • download supporting documents.

This syllabus is to be implemented in 2024.

Course information for leaders

The NSW Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus (2022) recognises the critical importance of the knowledge and skills students require to contribute to an increasingly technology-focused world.

Course information for leaders includes information on:

  • what has changed
  • whole school considerations
  • understanding the evidence base
  • reflection questions
  • how to implement the syllabus.

About the courses

Computing Technology 7-10 is an elective course that enables students to develop technological skills and is organised into 2 categories – Enterprise information systems and Software development. The learning has been grouped into 6 focus areas divided between the 2 categories.

The 6 focus areas

The curriculum facilitates learning about technology that enterprises use and leads students to develop knowledge of business systems and understand industries that leverage computing technology. Students will also learn about coding and software development by creating innovative solutions.

The syllabus has 6 focus areas:

  • Modelling networks and social connections
  • Designing for user experience
  • Analysing data
  • Building mechatronic and automated systems
  • Creating games and simulations
  • Developing apps and web software

Computing Technology 7­–10 may be studied as a 100-hour or a 200-hour course. The content available for Stage 4 is identical to Stage 5. Teachers teaching the course in Stage 4 may adjust the Stage 5 outcomes as appropriate to the needs of students in Years 7 and 8.

These resources have been designed to support you by providing an approach to organising syllabus content and can be modified to suit individual school contexts and procedures as required.

100-hour course

Students undertaking the 100-hour course are required to complete:

  • at least one Enterprise Information Systems focus area
  • at least one Software Development focus area
  • 2–3 focus areas either individually or combined
  • practical learning and project work for most of the course time
  • at least one group project.


Computing Technology 7–10 – 100-hour sample scope and sequence (DOCX 128 KB)

Computing Technology 7–10 – 100-hour sample assessment schedule(DOCX 200 KB)

200-hour course

Students undertaking the 200-hour course are required to complete:

  • at least 2 Enterprise Information Systems focus areas
  • at least 2 Software Development focus areas
  • 4–6 focus areas either individually or combined
  • practical learning and project work for most of the course time
  • at least one group project.


Computing Technology 7–10 – 200-hour sample scope and sequence (DOCX 130 KB)

Computing Technology 7–10 – 200-hour sample assessment schedule(DOCX 202 KB)

Syllabus mapping tool

The Computing Technology 7–10 Syllabus mapping tool is designed to assist with planning and programming.

The tool can be used to ensure when blending units that all syllabus content is covered.

Syllabus mapping tool – Computing Technology 7–10 (XLSX 580KB)

Programs of learning

Semester-long programs of learning:

  • include full syllabus coverage for teaching Computing Technology 7–10
  • cover four focus areas in depth
  • are developed for Stage 5.

This program of learning addresses and introduces the focus area of Enterprise information systems: Analysing data.

The lessons and sequences are designed to allow students to develop the knowledge and skills to analyse and visualise data, to create a digital solution to address a user’s requirements.

Year 9 – Enterprise systems – Analysing data – sample program of learning (DOCX 228.2 KB)

Year 9 – Enterprise systems – Analysing data – teacher support resource (DOCX 1.3 MB)

Year 9 – Sample assessment task 1 notification (DOCX 211.5 KB)

Year 9 – Sample assessment task 2 notification (DOCX 217.2 KB)

This program of learning addresses the focus area of Software development: Building mechatronic and automated systems.

The lessons and sequences are designed to allow students to develop the knowledge and skills to create a working mechatronic and automated systems model as a solution to a user’s needs.

Year 9 – Software development – Building mechatronic and automated systems – sample program of learning (DOCX 258.8 KB)

Year 9 – Software development – Building mechatronic and automated systems – teacher support resource (DOCX 6.3 MB)

Year 9 – Sample assessment task 3 notification (DOCX 193.2 KB)

Year 9 – Sample assessment task 4 notification (DOCX 195.5 KB)

This program of learning addresses the focus area of Software development: Developing apps and web software.

The lessons and tasks are designed to allow students to develop the knowledge and skills to create an app or web software product as a solution to a user’s needs.


Planning, programming and assessing 7–12 provides further advice to support:

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, EALD students, students with a disability and/or additional needs and high potential and gifted students.
  • formative assessment

Professional learning

  • visit the TAS Statewide Staffroom
  • All curriculum resources are prepared through a rigorous process. Resources are periodically reviewed as part of our ongoing evaluation plan to ensure currency, relevance and effectiveness. For additional support or advice, or to provide feedback, contact the TAS curriculum team by emailing TAS@det.nsw.edu.au


  • Teaching and learning


  • All high schools
  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum
  • TAS
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page
  • Year 10
  • Year 7
  • Year 8
  • Year 9

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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