Cohort score report

Cohort score report demo video

Data Source

Designed for: School leaders, directors educational leadership and executive directors. The information displayed in each report will be specific to each user; for example, school staff will view their school's results.

Updated: Annually

About this report

The Cohort score report shows average NAPLAN scores over time for a selected assessment and domain, compared to the Statistically Similar School Group (SSSG) and the State.

Users can view results school-wide or use optional filters to select student groups.

Executive Directors and Directors, Educational Leadership can also view results aggregated at the principal network and directorate level as appropriate to their role.

Note: This report is based on the assessment school. It displays all students who participated in the NAPLAN assessment at the school.

What should I look for?

The Cohort score report can be used to look at cohort performance over time and compare it to the SSSG and the State.

This can be very useful to understand changes or differences in results over time and in comparison to the benchmark groups. The SSSG provides a meaningful comparison as the students at these schools come from similar family backgrounds to students at the selected school.

When triangulated with other data, this information may assist in identifying the success of current teaching strategies or school improvement initiatives. It may also help to identify opportunities to support student learning in one or more specific domains.

Note that average NAPLAN scores provide a simplified view of performance. For further insight into how the cohort performed across proficiency levels over time and compared to SSSG and State, see the Cohort proficiency - Assessment year view.

How to use the report

Select the Assessment School, Assessment and Domain. To show changes in the distribution of results over time, select multiple calendar years using the Assessment year slicer.

The chart contains three lines – one for the selected cohort, one for SSSG and one for the State. Hover over a data point to see the average score and number of students included in the analysis.

Screenshot of the line chart in the report. Screenshot of the line chart in the report.
Image: Hover over a data point on the chart to reveal more information.

Optional slicers allow you to analyse the performance of different equity groups and/or selected subsets of students. These slicers include Aboriginality, EAL/D, Gender, SEA Quarter (Socio-Economic Advantage), Enrolment type group and Enrolment type, and NCCD adjustment and NCCD category.

Image: Cohort score report slicers

Some selections will result in notifications or cautions for interpreting results in the Commentary box to the right of the chart. For example, when there are small numbers of students in the selected group, one student’s result can cause a large fluctuation in the cohort.

Image: Example of commentary warnings

Please use the Class Report to review the individual student results and examine where individual students might differ from the majority of the cohort.

Need further support?

This How to use Scout guide demonstrates the basics of using Scout reports.

Please get in touch with Scout support if you have any questions or difficulty accessing Scout reports.


  • Technology

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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