Sun safety

Our schools take sun safety seriously and implement a range of strategies to support school environments that protect students from the damaging effects of the sun.

Much of the sun exposure that causes skin damage occurs in childhood and adolescence.

By the age of 15 many children have developed irreversible skin damage from exposure to the sun.

While skin cancer is the most common cancer in Australia, it is estimated that 95% of skin cancers can be prevented through reducing exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Each school has a responsibility to provide a safe environment for students and staff and this includes providing adequate protection from the sun.

Effective sun safety

Schools support students and preschool children to understand why sun safety is important and to take action to protect themselves such as:

  • wearing sun safe hats, clothing and sunglasses
  • seeking shade during peak UVR times during the school day
  • wearing SPF 30+ (or higher) sunscreen.

Schools use the sun safety for students guidelines (DOC 268KB) to plan and implement comprehensive sun safety for students. Support tools and information sheets are included on this site:

Sun Safety for Students information sheets

Note: These documents do not meet accessibility standards. For help, email

Related information

School Uniform Policy

Sport safety guidelines

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