Early learning statewide staffroom

The NSW Early learning statewide staffroom welcomes department leaders, educators and other staff working and interested in prior to school and early years of school.

It is a trusted online space for early years educators (early childhood to Year 2) to connect and collaborate with colleagues across the state. Members are encouraged to engage in professional dialogue and critical reflection, ask questions, share ideas and resources and discuss current research and contemporary practices.

Early learners host live sessions every term in each statewide staffroom channel. These 45-minute sessions feature panels of educators and curriculum experts from across NSW sharing ideas, resources and illustrations of practice. All live statewide staffroom sessions are recorded and accessible along with any resources shared during the meeting.

To join, please complete the admission forms below. You may need to log in to your Microsoft account using your department email.


  • Early childhood education

Business Unit:

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
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