English K–6 syllabus mapping tools

The syllabus mapping tools are designed to assist with English planning and programming in Kindergarten to Year 6. They include the functionality to map, record and annotate syllabus elements. These resources are quality-assured and aligned with the School Excellence Framework.

About these resources

English K–6 syllabus mapping tools:

  • are optional resources for schools to customise or edit for flexible use in different school contexts
  • form part of the curriculum reform support package for primary teachers
  • are stand-alone resources that complement scope and sequences and units for English K–6
  • support teachers to monitor multiple syllabus elements when planning and programming
  • support curriculum leaders with monitoring of syllabus coverage across year levels and stages.


Like any resource, syllabus mapping tools must be reviewed for suitability prior to use. Teachers should exercise professional judgement when adapting or modifying the tools to reflect their whole-school approach to English and meeting their students’ learning needs.


  • Presented as a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel with multiple tabs for easy visualisation of syllabus information.
  • Grey cells denote complementary content for alternative communication forms.
  • Term-by-term mapping of syllabus focus areas, outcomes and content groups.
  • Weekly tracking of syllabus content points.
  • Functionality to record the actual sequence of learning undertaken by a class, year-level or stage group.
  • Comment or annotation function to document where deviations from the school’s scope and sequence were necessary to meet student learning needs.

How to use

Information to help you get started with using the syllabus mapping tools.

Getting started

Rather than printing, teachers and schools are encouraged to work with these tools digitally. They have been specifically designed to:

  • be fully searchable (select Ctrl + F to search for specific outcome codes, focus areas or syllabus content)
  • be easier to read (zoom, adjust contrast, brighten)
  • allow for collaboration between school staff (multiple teachers and support staff can work on the same document at the same time)
  • upload to shared digital platforms such as Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.

Using ‘syllabus content’ tabs

To indicate when content groups or content points are taught:

  1. Place the cursor in the corresponding cell
  2. Type ‘Y’
  3. Press 'enter' to shade the cell green.

Syllabus mapping tools have undergone a rigorous quality assurance process as part of our commitment to improving school support. The process ensures that all resources provided to schools are relevant, of high quality, and underpinned by evidence-based practice.

Alignment to School Excellence Framework

These resources support the School Excellence Framework by incorporating the following domains and themes.

Learning domain

  • Learning culture: Transitions and continuity of learning
  • Wellbeing: Individual learning needs
  • Curriculum: Curriculum provision, Teaching and learning programs, Differentiation
  • Assessment: Formative assessment, Summative assessment, While school monitoring of student learning
  • Reporting: Whole school reporting, Parent engagement
  • Student performance measures: Student growth, Internal and external measures against syllabus standards

Teaching domain

Data skills and use: Data literary, Data analysis, Data use in teaching, Data use in planning.

Leading domain

Educational leadership: Instructional leadership

Alignment to system priorities and, or needs

These resources reflect the following existing frameworks:


Resources have been refined based on findings from consultation with key stakeholder groups and tested by NSW teachers as part of the ‘Early adopter project' in 2022. Subject matter experts from Curriculum Early Years and Primary Learners team endorsed documents to ensure accuracy of content.

Evidence base

The evidence base for these resources is:


Email questions, comments and feedback about these resources to Englishk6@det.nsw.edu.au using the subject line ‘English K-2 syllabus mapping tool’.


  • Teaching and learning


  • All primary schools
  • Classroom teachers
  • Curriculum
  • English
  • Kindergarten
  • Literacy
  • Principals and school leaders
  • School executive
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4
  • Year 5
  • Year 6

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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