Leading curriculum – DELs and principals

Advice and resources supporting DELs and principals to facilitate effective curriculum implementation.

Phases of curriculum implementation

The phases of engage, enact and embed can be used as a guide for effective curriculum implementation in schools.

Curriculum implementation journey – principal provides role-specific suggested activities, reflective questions, and resources that can be used flexibly across a range of schools for each phase of curriculum implementation.

Leading collaboration for school improvement

New chapters are available for the Leading Collaboration for School Improvement Toolkit to support curriculum implementation.

Directors, educational leadership, principals and other leaders, and principals, school leadership, can use the toolkit to guide reflective conversations around curriculum implementation that drive school improvement and student growth and attainment.

Each toolkit chapter identifies system expectations, school-based activities and research to guide professional conversations for each of the phases of curriculum implementation. The question prompts guide deep thinking to enhance successful curriculum implementation while ensuring activities remain focused on improving student outcomes.

Establishing communities of practice

Key guidelines for establishing a community of practice, highlighting the success of Curriculum Reform Communities in particular.

Stage 6 – monitoring implementation and support

Advice and support for schools to monitor Stage 6 course delivery to ensure Preliminary and HSC courses comply with NESA and Department requirements.

RoSA monitoring advice

RoSA monitoring advice provides support on implementation and links to the Education Act 1990. It is aligned with NESA's clarified ACE rules and must be read in conjunction with them.

Additional release

From 2023 to 2025, teachers will be given release time to focus on curriculum reform to help them effectively implement new syllabuses.

System-recognised alternative pathways

Information and advice about alternative curriculum frameworks, including the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (Years 11 and 12).


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