Managing bus safety around schools

Transport for NSW advice

Bus safety around schools

Student code of conduct

When travelling to and from school on public transport students need to adhere to the Transport for NSW Guidelines for Managing School Student Behaviour on Buses and the Student code of conduct for travel by bus and rail.

  • Teaching and learning

This activity assists schools address concerns for student safety while travelling to and from school on the bus.

Stage 4 activity - Bus safety your ride your responsibility

School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS)

Transport for NSW manages the School Student Transport Scheme to provide eligible schools students with free or subsidised travel on public transport to and from school.

Assisted School Travel Program (ASTP)

Students with a disability who are unable to travel to and from school under the School Student Transport Scheme may be eligible for assistance under the Department of Education's Assisted School Travel Program

Parents can assess their child's eligibility and schools can support students in safe travel to and from school.

School Drive Subsidy

Students may be eligible for a subsidy through Transport for NSW's School Drive Subsidy Program, if they live in an area where there is no public transport.

School-owned buses

Some schools own or manage a bus to transport children to and from school or school events. If so, the principal must ensure the bus:

  • is used in accordance with the legislation covering all vehicles licensed to carry 10 or more persons, including the driver. Refer to Duty of care and behaviour management - Questions about child restraints (Staff only)

All school-owned buses must comply with department's heavy vehicle and bus inspections Chain of Responsibility

Using public transport for school excursions

Department of Education's Duty of care and behaviour management - Questions about child restraints in motor vehicles - child restraints, booster seats and seat belts(Staff only)

Transport for NSW provides information for group travel and school excursions

More information about Excursions and road safety for travel.

Informal school bus stops

Informal school bus stops are not sign-posted or developed formal bus stops. In consultation with Roads and Maritime Services, BusNSW and other bus stakeholders, Transport for NSW has developed road safety advice for locating informal school bus stops. This advice has been prepared for anyone involved in selecting or reviewing locations for informal bus stops.

Useful links

Transport for NSW's YouTube videos:


  • Travel

Business Unit:

  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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