Vehicles on school grounds and road safety

School grounds must be safe for all students, staff and visitors. Parking areas may be available for use by staff, students, contractors and visitors, at the discretion of the principal. They must be aware of the need to take special care when driving on school grounds.

In 2019 schools were advised by Health and Safety directorate that the maximum speed limit to be applied on all school grounds is 10km/h.

  • Refer to the department's Health and Safety information on Vehicles_on_School_Grounds_factsheet.pdf
  • Document the risk management plan with strategies and share the plan with staff, students, parents and carers, and regular contractors and visitors.
  • Review the risk management plan at regular intervals when:
    • more information is available
    • the situation changes
    • if there is an incident.
  • Contact your Work Health and Safety Advisors (staff only) for assistance in completing this process.
  • Anyone parking a vehicle on school premises does so at their own risk. Principals need to make sure they are aware of this as outlined in Legal Issues Bulletin 8. (staff only)
  • A school is not obliged to provide parking on site to anyone at any time.
  • If a school has space available they may offer disabled parking spaces and parking for visitors and staff.
  • Principals make the decision to allow or restrict students parking private vehicles on the school site.
  • Parents and carers are responsible for how their child travels to/from school. This includes students who drive to/from school, more information available on Driving and parking safely.
  • Principals may give permission for students to park in school grounds if there is adequate space available and it is safe to do so.
  • Principals wishing to allow students to park in school grounds may request vehicle users and/or owners to sign a disclaimer.
  • Student parking is a privilege, not a right (schools are not required to provide student parking).
  • Learner drivers should not be permitted to use onsite parking.
  • Before student parking is permitted a risk assessment must be undertaken.
  • Refer to Legal Issues Bulletin 8 (staff only).
  • Sample Application for student parking private vehicle onsite (staff only)

It is recommended principals don't allow parents and carers to drive onto the school site to pick up or drop off students. Reinforce this by:

  • placing signs at the school gates
  • reminders in the school newsletter, website and enrolment information (see parent information about driving and parking safely)
  • close school vehicle gates to prevent entry. Only open for authorised entry, such as staff or contractors.

Schools can use traffic management devices to restrict access or change traffic movement on the school site.

  • Contact the School Infrastructure NSW (staff only) for advice prior to any installation to
    • ensure the building standards and codes met and any council approval required is granted.
    • advise on the potential impact on planned future changes.

Useful links

School Infrastructure NSW Assets Management Units (staff only)

Legal services (staff only)

Work Health and Safety Consultants (staff only)


  • Teaching and learning

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  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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