Wheeled devices in and around schools

Parents are responsible for their child's travel to and from school.

However, schools also have a duty of care to ensure that students are travelling as safely as possible.

This duty of care extends beyond the school grounds and official hours, encompassing situations like excursions, travel to and from school, and participation in TAFE/VET courses or work experience, whether during or outside of regular school hours. (Legal Services Duty of Care and Behaviour Management)

There are various resources and guidance available to help schools manage and communicate with families about keeping children safe when they choose to ride to and from school

1. Safe riding
  • benefits of safely riding to and from school
  • what is taught in schools about wheel safety
  • riding advice to share with parents and carers
  • advice to schools about students riding safety to and from school
  • cycling school bus management considerations.
2. Riding e-bikes and e-scooters
  • advice and information for principals.

3. Bicycle and wheeled devices, scooters and skateboard templates
  • assist schools manage bicycles/e-bikes and wheeled devices being ridden to and from school safely
  • communicate with parents and carers about safe riding
  • reinforce with parents and carers that it is their responsibility.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Road safety

Business Unit:

  • Teaching Quality and Impact
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