Vocal Ease MORE – Modules 1 and 2
Vocal Ease MORE module 1 and module 2 are an updated sequel to the original Vocal Ease resource which was created around 20 years ago to support classroom music education.
This new version focuses on building knowledge and skills in vocal music in the K-6 classroom. It features five original pieces, additional audio tracks and curriculum based teaching and learning activities. Each of the five pieces also include videos of quality practice, interviews and interactive scores.
Vocal Ease MORE module 1 and Vocal Ease MORE module 2 are sequels to the Vocal Ease music resource.
Each module:
- features 5 original pieces
- audio tracks
- curriculum-based teaching and learning activities.
Each piece includes:
- videos of quality practice
- interviews
- interactive scores.
Module 1 also explores how students can create their own music video.
Please note:
Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Creative Arts K–6 Syllabus (2006) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2025.