Building Numeracy Leadership in Early Action for Success schools impact analysis study

Image: Building Numeracy Leadership in Early Action for Success schools impact analysis study
Authors Janette Bobis
Evaluator company University of Sydney
Year 2019
Classification Other Evidence
Study type Pre-post study
Evaluation type Outcome


This report assesses the Building Numeracy Leadership’s (BNL) impact on teacher participants’ knowledge and teaching practices. Regarding methodology, quantitative analysis of data was conducted using a questionnaire to determine changes in participants’ scores from before their professional learning to their last professional learning session. Qualitative data was also obtained through interviews and classroom observations. Key findings include that the teachers demonstrated growth in their mathematical knowledge for teaching. However, they also varied in their prior knowledge, and so they varied in their abilities to take in information provided by the program.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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