Count Me In Too: a review of the online professional development program

Information | |
Authors | - |
Evaluator company | Australian Centre for Educational Studies Macquarie University |
Year | 2006 |
Classification | Other evidence |
Study type | Expert opinion |
Evaluation type | Both process and outcome |
The aims of this study were to describe how teachers used the professional development resources and online discussion board to support their implementation of the Count Me In Too (CMIT) numeracy program and the outcomes achieved. Data was collected by 108 teacher surveys from 50 participating schools, an interview with the online mentor and an analysis of the teachers’ web discussions. The study found that the project was successful in supporting teachers’ implementation of the Count Me In Too program. The respondents generally attributed this success to the opportunities for collegial support experienced by the school teams. Participation in the online discussion site was generally low and the teachers did not become an online community of learners as intended. The report concluded with suggestions for increasing teachers’ involvement in online discussion boards.