Kitchen Garden Pilot program evaluation

Image: Kitchen Garden Pilot program evaluation
Authors Meg Dione-Rodgers, Susan Harriman, Sally Blackwell, Michael Costello and Barry Laing
Evaluator company Quality Assurance, Policy Planning and Reporting Unit, NSW Department of Education
Year 2013
Classification Other evidence
Study type Expert opinion
Evaluation type Both process and outcome


The evaluation aimed to determine the effectiveness of the implementation and the impact of the program on student learning in nine metropolitan schools in the second year of pilot program. The study also sought to identify the professional learning programs and other resources that may be needed to support and sustain future programs. The evaluation employed a mixed method design using interviews with school principals and staff, students and parents, classroom observations, an online teacher survey and document review. The authors found that the program had positive outcomes: improving student engagement, particularly for students with special needs; developing student leadership skills and improved student learning about garden maintenance and healthy foods. Another key finding was that teachers placed high value on embedding the program in the school curriculum and generally believed that the program was sustainable.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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