Evaluative inquiry into the sustainability of professional learning through school-based action learning

Image: Evaluative inquiry into the sustainability of professional learning through school-based action learning
Authors Garry Hoban, Tony Herrington, Lisa Kervin, Robyn Ewing, Judy Anderson, David Smith
Evaluator company University of Wollongong and University of Sydney
Year 2005
Classification Unclassified
Study type -
Evaluation type Process


The purpose of this evaluative inquiry was to ascertain how teachers’ engagement in the Australian Government Quality Teaching Program (AGQTP) activity, Action Learning for School Teams Project (phase 1), might provide a platform to sustain teachers’ professional learning in schools. Thirteen case study schools were involved in the evaluative inquiry and all schools were able to identify strategies used to sustain their professional learning to different extents.


  • Evaluation evidence bank

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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