Evaluation of Safe Families Program revised service delivery model

Information | |
Authors | John Henry, Peter Congdon, Tracey Frigo, Karen Buczynski and Denise Skidmore |
Evaluator company | Cambridge Education |
Year | 2013 |
Classification | Unclassified |
Study type | - |
Evaluation type | Process |
Safe Families is an early intervention program involving a coordinated approach between NSW government agencies (Aboriginal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Family and Community Services) and local communities to work together to tackle child sexual assault in five Aboriginal communities. Cambridge Education evaluated the Revised Service Delivery Model of the Safe Families program. The aim of the evaluation was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the coordinated interagency program for the prevention of child sexual abuse in Aboriginal communities. The methodology included a literature review; consultations with 148 key stakeholder agencies; a review of program progress reports for 2011-2012 and a survey of the memberships of Safe Families Groups and Panels. The evaluators identified key enabling factors, barriers and areas for improvement in the program and a set of five principles that reflect best practice in the development and implementation of child and young person sexual abuse prevention programs.