Tailoring health and wellbeing approaches at your school

Tailoring health and wellbeing approaches at your school is a suite of evidence-based resources that:

  • identify and promote the enablers of successful health and wellbeing approaches
  • draw together relevant department policy and new and existing health and wellbeing resources
  • address the complex health and wellbeing challenges that schools identified during a 2020 research discovery.
Image: Picture of students in a primary school classroom

Research discovery insights

Schools understand the value of effective health and wellbeing approaches and the connection for improving learning and life outcomes.

A research discovery undertaken in 2020 with schools, and the staff that support them, informed how school communities can be further supported in tailoring their health and wellbeing approaches in their local context.

Three key interconnected themes emerged from the research discovery report - staff only (PDF 21 MB).

  1. One size does not fit all
  2. 10 key principles underpin all successful health and wellbeing approaches
  3. Problem + context = approach.
Image: A picture of six high school students

Support with evaluating health and wellbeing approaches

Schools with successful health and wellbeing approaches:

  • gain a picture of need, impacts and potential improvements by overlaying relevant department and publically available data sets; they challenge assumptions
  • gather only the information that is needed for evaluation, including baseline data
  • identify the best possible ways for gathering the required information
  • provide a clear and reasonable timeline for evaluation
  • carefully consider the ethics of involving children and young people in evaluation, Schools have clear protocols in place to ensure the follow-up of support for students where required.

Departmental resources available to support schools with evaluation include:

  • Evaluation Resource Hub which includes the Logic Modelling design tool that helps provide a clear line of sight between needs, inputs, activities and outcomes
  • SCOUT platform for data and analysis

Publically available data sets commonly used by schools include:

Other resources:

Departmental resources available to support schools with planning include:

  • Situational Analysis:  resources that support an authentic and rigorous assessment of a school’s current state. Used to inform a school’s improvement journey in learning, teaching and leading
  • School Excellence Plan (SEP): process which ensure continuous improvement, reflecting where a school is at and how it will further improve learning, teaching and leading
  • School Excellence Framework: identifies quality practice across the three key domains of education – learning, teaching and leading to help schools plan and monitor strategies for ongoing improvement. Schools that excel in the Learning Domain of the SEF develop whole school wellbeing approaches that support students to enhance their learning, health and wellbeing and life outcomes.
  • The Wellbeing Framework for Schools: supports schools to create teaching and learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Wellbeing in our schools is driven by the themes of Connect, Succeed and Thrive.

Resources for schools

These resources help schools tailor their health and wellbeing approaches.


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
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