Composite and multistage sample scope and sequences

Four sample composite scope and sequences and a multistage sample scope and sequence. The multistage sample aligns with the outcomes and content from Stages 3–5, and 7–10 Life Skills in the English K–10 Syllabus (NESA 2022).


English K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2025.

These scope and sequences have been designed to support schools who have classes comprised of students from multiple stages and for schools who have composite classes comprised of students from one stage.

Many schools will have their own scope and sequence templates. These samples provide a brief overview of each teaching and learning program, the questions guiding the implementation of the outcomes, the outcomes and content groups driving the design of assessment and the text requirements.

These samples are designed to be flexible and able to be adapted and refined by teachers as they plan for student learning needs. Content groups are identified at the point of introduction to the students and should be revisited and consolidated throughout the year, based on assessment data. Some content groups or points will require more emphasis and repetition than others. These documents detail when specific outcomes and content groups could be introduced.


  • English (2022)
  • English Life Skills
  • Scope and sequence
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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