
Your Career website - The home of career information. Search Industries and Occupations to find a career that's right for you and what you can do to get there.

myfuture assists young Australians with career planning, career path-ways and work transitions.

Careers NSW - Lifelong careers information, advice and professional guidance for NSW residents at any stage of their career, wherever they live.

Skillsroad - Students take the career quiz and find out what jobs best suit them. Students research their career options, use the resume and portfolio builder.
Student Pathways Plan - Student report on their future education and career plan. Schools use the data to support students with their career development and transition within and beyond school.

Logbook Online gives students the opportunity to document all their employment related skills learnt at school and in the community.

Myskills - Used to assist individuals and employers to choose the training provider that best suits their needs.

Job jumpstart - Aims to help how to take step-by-step action to build students work experience and employability skills, target their job search activities and investigate career options.

Life Launcher - Information about jobs and how students can achieve their career ambitions through vocational education and training or university study.

ReCap supports career practitioners to develop a whole school/organisation approach to career development programs.

Australian Blueprint of Career Development is a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating career development programs. The Blueprint identifies the skills, attitudes and knowledge to make sound choices and to effectively manage your career.
Blueprint - Identifies the skills, attitudes and knowledge that individuals need to make sound choices and to effectively manage their career.
Blueprint resources - All Blueprint materials are readily available for use and may be reproduced.
National Career Education Strategy - To increase awareness and improve national consistency of career education.

Work Education 7-10 - Encourages students to be self-motivated learners and to develop career management skills to navigate the new economies and be productive citizens.
Work Studies 11-12 - The syllabus is designed to assist students in their transition from school to work. It develops knowledge and understanding of the issues faced by students in the transition to work and the skills needed for effective career planning and performance of tasks in the work environment.

Learning Potential - Browse by your students year level, or search for a topic, and the website will suggest ideas, activities, games and videos you can use to support your students learning.
Foundation for Young Australians purpose is to improve the learning outcomes and life opportunities of young Australians.
Careers Advisers Association (CAA) of NSW and ACT represents careers advisers in all schools in NSW and ACT. CAA promotes career education as a vital part of schooling and supports the work of careers advisers in assisting young people in making decisions about work, study and training.

Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA) is the National Peak Body for the Career Industry in Australia. It is a focal point for government and other stakeholders concerned for and interested in promoting quality career development services in Australia.

The Preparing Secondary Students for Work framework contains a range of elements, strategies and approaches for an effective career education plan.