Support for Japanese Stage 5
This Stage 5 scope and sequence and 10-week unit of work have been designed to support the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022).
The scope and sequence is for the 200-hour elective course, and includes suggested summative assessment tasks.
The 10-week unit of work introduces students to travelling through Japan. It includes related resources, mini tasks (progress checkpoints) and the summative assessment task.
Timeframes, formative and summative assessment tasks, teaching and learning activities and reflection and feedback opportunities should be adjusted to suit your context, including the specific strengths and needs of students.
Related resources
- Student-facing sample scope and sequence (PDF 1.8 MB)
- Scaffold – what to see and what I like in Kyoto (DOCX 86.6 KB)
- Changing adjectives (DOCX 79.2 KB)
- Conversation prompt cards (DOCX 86.6 KB)
- Tripadvisor activity (DOCX 87.3 KB)
- Travel time task board (DOCX 60.1 KB)
- Travelling between places in Japan (DOCX 86.9 KB)
- Assessment planning scaffold assessment task (DOCX 94.8 KB)
- Stage 5 Japanese – ‘Japanese travels’ infographic (PDF 375.9 KB)
Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.