Technological and applied studies

Units of work

Visit the TAS curriculum page for downloadable scope and sequences, sample units and assessments for the following subjects:

  • Agriculture
  • Design and technology
  • Engineering studies
  • Food technology
  • Industrial technology
  • Information and processes technology
  • Software design and development
  • Textiles and design

These units can be adapted to support teachers to deliver learning at home and school.

Learning from home programs

These programs, created by department curriculum experts, can be adapted to support teachers delivering learning from home or in the classroom.

Plant Breeding 1 (2+ hours)

This unit explores basic plant reproduction methods and their influence on plant breeders is examined.

Accompanying student and teacher resources available in our resource library

Plant breeding 2 (3 hours)

In this unit, students explore the basic components of experimental design and their role through analysis of real-world plant trials.

Plant breeding 2 program (DOCX 67KB)

Accompanying student and teacher resources available in our resource library

Reproductive techniques (3 hours)

This unit explores the limit fertility in livestock and the management techniques that farmers use to manipulate reproduction and improve reproductive performance.

Accompanying student resource available in our resource library

Soil and water degradation (3 hours)

This unit allows students to investigate the impacts of past and current agricultural land use on soil and water.

Soil and water degradation program (DOCX 72KB)

Phase diagrams

In this unit, students develop knowledge of phases in materials and the conditions which cause phase transitions such as temperature and pressure.

Phase diagrams program (DOCX 287KB)

Atomic bonding and physical properties

In this unit, students develop a fundamental understanding of atoms, atomic bonds, and the effects that different bonds have on the physical and mechanical properties of materials.

Atomic bonding and physical properties program (DOCX 66KB)

Contemporary nutrition issues (2+ hours)

This unit explores the relationship between the nutritional status of specific groups that are nutritionally vulnerable within the Australian community.

Contemporary nutrition issues program (DOCX 78KB)

Structural factors (2 + hours)

This unit will help students with their understanding of the structural factors affecting companies.

Structural factors program (DOCX 71KB)

Historical development of the forestry industry (3 hours)

This unit will help students understand the historical development of the forestry industry in New South Wales.

Historic developments program (DOCX 70KB)

Technical factors affecting companies (2+ hours)

Students develop their understanding of the technical factors affecting companies.

Technical factors program (DOCX 72KB)

Answering extended response questions (2+ hours)

Students develop skills to write responses that demonstrate their understanding of the syllabus content

Answering extended response questions program (DOCX 72 KB)

Modeling tools (2+ hours)

In this unit, students learn to use the modeling tools to understand information processes and design improved systems.

Modeling tools program (DOCX 67KB)

Sorting algorithms (2+ hours)

This unit allows students to investigate the control structures used in algorithms to process data.

Sorting algorithms program (DOCX 72KB)

The marketplace (3 hours)

In this unit students will examine aspects of the marketing of textile products.

Marketplace program (DOCX 67KB)

Current issues in the textiles industry (3 hours)

In this unit, students examine current issues in the textiles industry, including globalisation.

Current issues program (DOCX 70KB)

Sustainability in the textiles industry (3 hours)

In this unit, students gain an understanding of the impact of the textiles industry on the environment.

Sustainability in textiles program (DOCX 68KB)

Associated resources

There are also digital student resources and activities located in our filterable resource library that are suitable for flexible delivery of learning.

Additionally, find ideas and activities on our curated list of external links.

Distance education resources

Access HSC distance education resources developed to support students that cannot access a physical school. The Distance education network offers these documents to support teachers in delivering off-campus learning. They are not designed for all learning contexts and are not expected to address all syllabus outcomes. Curriculum experts are reviewing them and when quality-assured versions are available they will be highlighted.

While the resources support independent student study, they must be used in consultation with their subject teacher.


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  • Curriculum
  • Learning
  • Pedagogy
  • Planning
  • Teaching
  • Teaching and learning

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