Additive strategies: Blended learning


This blended professional learning focuses on deepening understanding of the development of additive thinking through integrating practical ideas for classroom application.

It is designed to support primary teachers and mathematics teachers of Stage 4 (dependent on student need) to:

  • understand where additive strategies are referenced in the NSW syllabuses (with an emphasis on Stage 1 and 2 content)
  • understand how the numeracy learning progression provides fine grain detail on the development of additive strategies
  • plan for assessment and differentiated teaching across the curriculum considering student learning needs.

Who should participate?

Primary teachers and mathematics teachers of Stage 4 (dependent on student need).

Mode of delivery

Blended learning with facilitator-led learning delivered in MS Teams and short, self-paced modules.


This professional learning consists of 2 days.

  • Day 1 includes 3 modules; including 2 facilitated live sessions via MS Teams and 1 self paced session.

  • Day 2 includes 3 modules; including 2 facilitated live sessions via MS Teams and 1 self paced session.

Completing day 1 will help you to:

  • understand and analyse where students across K-8 are in relation to their development of additive strategies across the state and unpack the data (facilitated live session)

  • understand the numeracy progression sub-element of Additive strategies and how it relates to the NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus (facilitated live session)

  • understand what Number talks are and how to implement number talks in your classroom (self-paced session)

  • consider the connections between sub-elements and syllabus when planning teaching and learning activities (facilitated live session)

Completing day 2 will help you to:

  • use a variety of assessment tools (with a focus on formative assessment) and understand different types of assessment purposes ('for', 'of' and 'as' learning) (facilitated live session)
  • exploring flexible student strategies using the Interview for student reasoning tool - Additive thinking (IfSR-AT) and the relevant resources to support the implementation and where to next (self-paced session)
  • understand strategies for differentiation and how it can support student needs in the classroom (facilitated live session)
  • analyse and plan for teaching and learning of additive strategies.

Register for ‘Additive strategies’ via MyPL (Course code AC00315).

To enrol in this course, participants must first complete the prerequisite 'Leading literacy and numeracy professional learning in my school' (course code NR33689).

‘Additive strategies' will contribute to NESA Accredited PD towards maintaining teacher accreditation in NSW. See MyPL for details of the specific Australian Professional Standards for Teachers addressed.

2025 dates

Term 1

Day 1: Monday 10 March (9:00am-3:30pm)

Day 2: Monday 7 April (10:00am-2:45pm)


If you have any questions, contact

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