Leading phonics improvement webinar series
The Leading phonics improvement webinar series delivers support for outstanding leadership, teaching and learning with a focus on improvement in reading in the early years.
This six-part professional learning is aligned to the NSW English K-10 syllabus and will strengthen leader and teacher capability to drive high-impact explicit teaching practices.
Who should participate?
- Assistant Principals, Curriculum and Instruction
- School leaders of literacy K - 2
- Teachers K - 2
We encourage leaders and teachers to participate in sessions together either as a school team or across a principal network.
Mode of delivery
Online delivery (6 x live sessions) across Term 4 2024 and Term 1 2025
This professional learning will support participants to:
- strengthen understanding of the role of leaders and teachers in targeting phonics improvement
- plan for implementation of exemplary phonics instruction in their context
- conduct an in-depth analysis of their Year 1 Phonics Screening Check data
- enhance understanding of explicit teaching strategies that promote automaticity of foundational literacy skills supporting learning across the curriculum.
The Leading phonics improvement webinar series has been developed in collaboration with A/Prof Lorraine Hammond AM, School Of Education, Edith Cowan University.
Webinar 1 - Phonics focus: Improvement and impact
This leadership session leverages the evidence base for high impact phonics instruction, strengthening capabilities of leaders to drive explicit teaching in phonics. Participants will position themselves as experts in the science of reading and reflecting on the role of leaders in driving phonics improvement.
When: Week 4 Thursday 7 November 2024, 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm
Registrations for 'Phonics focus: Improvement and impact online' are now closed.
Webinar 2 - Phonics unveiled: Data for decision-making
Interactive session with an in-depth analysis of Year 1 Phonics Screening Check data, to inform decision making for students entering Year 2 who require support.
When: Week 5 (multiple dates) 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm (choose one session)
- Tuesday 12 November, Wednesday 13 November (small schools) or Thursday 14 November 2024
Registrations for 'Phonics unveiled: Data for decision-making' are now closed.
Term 1 2025
Webinars 3 and 4: Phonics showcases with A/Prof Lorraine Hammond AM
A/Prof Lorraine Hammond AM will showcase practical techniques across 2 sessions. The sessions include real classroom illustrations to support immediate implementation in the classroom. Participants will examine common misconceptions and beliefs about phonics instruction, investigate evidence-based approaches, including the role of retrieval practice to support mastery learning that supports early readers and explore high-impact and differentiated explicit teaching of phonics.
- Webinar 3 (Part 1) Week 5 Monday 24 February 2025, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
- Webinar 4 (Part 2) Week 7 Monday 10 March 2025, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Registrations for 'Leading phonics improvement Webinar 3 - Phonics showcase with Lorraine Hammond AM Part 1' are now closed. A recording will be available late Term 1, 2025.
Register for 'Leading phonics improvement Webinar 4 - Phonics showcase with Lorraine Hammond AM Part 2' via MyPl (course code TPL00098)
Webinar 5 - Phonics success: The art and science of implementation
Explores the vital role of implementation science bridging research and practice through the lens of phonics instruction. Participants engage with a template designed to guide leaders through the process of implementation to achieve the best outcomes for all students.
When: Week 8 Monday 17 March 2025, 2:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Register for 'Phonics success: The art and science of implementation' via MyPl (course code TPL00099)
Webinar 6 - Phonics: Piecing it all together
This exploratory session focuses on how to use universal resources to implement exemplary phonics instruction.
When: Week 10 Monday 31 March 2025 2:15 pm - 3:00 pm
Register for 'Phonics: piecing it all together' via MyPl (course code TPL00100)
Related resources
In preparation for this professional learning, consider reading:
- Principles of instruction (PDF 192KB)
- Effective reading – Kindergarten to Year 2 guide (PDF 1.2MB)
- Teaching Reading: Why the “Fab Five” should be the “Big Six”
- Literacy lesson advice guides (staff only) aligned with the Big Six
If you have any questions, contact literacy.numeracy@det.nsw.edu.au