Lead Learner suite


The Lead Learner professional learning series supports educational leaders to strengthen and use their expertise of evidence-based literacy and numeracy concepts in preparation for leading practice improvement in schools.

Who should participate?

Kindergarten to Year 6 school leaders or aspiring leaders

Mode of delivery

Self-paced online learning.


The Lead Learner professional learning series supports those leading literacy and numeracy improvement in schools. The series is designed to prepare leaders when building capability in teachers in specific literacy and numeracy focus areas.

The series is designed for individuals who have a deep understanding of their school's situational analysis and specific literacy and numeracy improvement and progress measures outlined in the School Excellence Plan.

The professional learning is structured as follows:


The Introduction is the common component in the Lead Learner series of professional learning and provides foundational learning required to understand:

  • the purpose of the Lead Learner professional learning series
  • how the series aligns to key reforms across the department;
  • the role of the teaching and learning cycle from a leadership perspective
  • the key resources available to lead practice improvement in schools.

Note: The Introduction course only needs to be completed once.

Part 1: Focused literacy or numeracy knowledge development

Each selected focus area assists school leaders to use expert knowledge and practice in a specific literacy or numeracy focus area. This learning supports school leaders to:

  • deepen expert content knowledge of evidence-based teaching strategies for literacy or numeracy improvement of all students throughout the teaching and learning cycle in the context of NSW syllabuses
  • apply a leadership approach to trialing evidence-based teaching strategies in the classroom
  • reflect on and evaluate strategies to improve student outcomes in literacy and numeracy
  • access universal supports available to schools, including resources, assessment tools and further professional learning to plan for capability building in others

Part 2: Course evaluation

The 2 minute evaluation will be treated confidentially and used only for the purposes of evaluating professional learning. Feedback will guide future development of support and professional learning for school leaders.

Participants are required to complete the evaluation survey to gain accredited hours for the course.

Course list and registration details

Note: Participants must complete this prerequisite.



Courses in the Lead Learner series will contribute to NESA Accredited PD towards Lead teacher accreditation in NSW. See MyPL for details of the specific Australian Professional Standards for Teachers addressed.


If you have any questions, contact literacy.numeracy@det.nsw.edu.au


  • Program support


  • Addition
  • Fractions
  • Literacy
  • Multiplication
  • Numeracy
  • Patterns and algebra
  • Primary school
  • Reading

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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