Leading literacy and numeracy professional learning in my school
This short, on-demand course provides support for the leadership of professional learning targeting focus areas for literacy and numeracy improvement in schools.
This course is accessible to teachers and leaders at any time as they lead professional learning in their schools. It is a pre-requisite for the following literacy and numeracy blended courses.
- Additive Strategies
- Multiplicative strategies: Blended learning
- Fluency on Teams Blended learning
- Focus on Understanding texts: The components of reading - Blended learning
- Focus on vocabulary
Who should participate?
Lead learners, including those in formal leadership positions as well as aspiring leaders and teachers who are involved in leading professional learning to support literacy and numeracy improvement in their schools.
Mode of delivery
This 30 to 45 minute self-paced online course supports lead learners to lead literacy and numeracy professional learning effectively in their schools to ensure impact upon teaching practice and student progress.
Completing this course will help you to:
understand your role in leading the implementation of literacy and numeracy professional learning in your school context
understand the High Impact Professional Learning (HIPL) model and its implications for leading the implementation of learning
understand Learn-Do-Reflect as a framework for leading professional learning cycles
develop a plan to lead, implement, monitor and evaluate professional learning.
Register for ‘Leading literacy and numeracy professional learning in my school' via MyPL (course code NR33689)
If you have any questions, contact literacy.numeracy@det.nsw.edu.au.