Fluency for reading comprehension​ 


This online professional learning explores instructional strategies for developing reading fluency in the classroom to improve student comprehension of texts across the secondary curriculum.

Participants engaging in this course will learn to:

  • integrate high-quality fluency instruction throughout the teaching and learning cycle
  • select and use a range of explicit teaching strategies to promote fluency for reading comprehension in the secondary classroom.

Who should participate?

Year 7 to 12 classroom teachers 

Mode of delivery



This online course includes 3 sections:

  • Section 1: Fluency in secondary school
  • Section 2: Fluency in the classroom
  • Section 3: Monitoring and assessing fluency

The module also includes illustration of practice videos to provide models of explicit teaching, assessment and feedback strategies to support reading fluency development through the secondary curriculum.

Completing this course will help you to:

  • explore fluency and the importance of fluency instruction across the curriculum
  • consider the links between fluency and reading comprehension
  • discover explicit teaching strategies to support student fluency for reading comprehension across the curriculum
  • engage with a range of evidence-based strategies to monitor and assess fluency in any stage or subject area
  • reflect on the opportunities in your classroom to develop student fluency

Register for ‘Fluency for reading comprehension​ ’ via MyPL (course code AC00975).

Note: Participants should first complete the 30 minute ‘Secondary reading –Introductory module’ to develop their understanding of the reading evidence base. Familiarity with the reading evidence base and frameworks is assumed prior knowledge for this module.

'Secondary reading – Fluency for reading comprehension' will contribute to 1.5 hours of NESA Accredited PD towards maintaining teacher accreditation in NSW. See MyPL for details of the specific Australian Professional Standards for Teachers addressed.


If you have any questions, contact literacy.numeracy@det.nsw.edu.au.


  • Literacy


  • Literacy
  • Reading

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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