Introduction to the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions


Introduction to the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions professional learning will support teachers and school leaders to:

  • understand why the progressions were developed and how they allow students to benefit from more personalised learning
  • understand the role of the literacy and numeracy progressions in supporting teaching and learning through the NSW syllabuses
  • develop knowledge and skills in the analysis of student work samples using the progressions to determine students’ literacy and numeracy strengths and needs
  • understand how the progressions can support school literacy and numeracy priorities

This online course consists of 4 modules and will take approximately 3 hours to complete. We recommend you complete the modules of this self-paced course collaboratively in your school setting.

Who should participate?

Primary and high school teachers and school leadership teams.

Mode of delivery



Module 1: Introduces the literacy and numeracy priorities; explains about the updates from version 2 to version 3 of the progressions, makes links with the NSW K-10 syllabuses and demonstrates how the teaching and learning cycle provides a framework for the effective use of the literacy and numeracy progressions. This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Module 2: Investigates the structure and features of the National Literacy Learning progression. Participants will analyse student work samples using the literacy progression as a tool to support the teaching and learning cycle; explore the content, purpose and use of text complexity appendix. This module will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Module 3: Investigates the structure and features of the National Numeracy Learning Progression. Participants will analyse student work samples using the numeracy progression as a tool to support the teaching and learning cycle; explore number talks and a diagnostic assessment. This module will take approximately 1 hour to complete.

Module 4: Considers how the progressions can be used in your school and classroom to support student literacy and numeracy learning. Participants will engage with the 'Learn, Do, Reflect' cycle to summarise their learning about the progressions, plan for student literacy and numeracy learning and reflect upon the impact to classroom practice . This module will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Register for ‘Introduction to the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions' via MyPL (course code AC00506).

‘Introduction to the Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions' will contribute to NESA Accredited PD towards maintaining teacher accreditation in NSW. See MyPL for details of the specific Australian Professional Standards for Teachers addressed.


If you have any questions, contact

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