Focus on vocabulary - Blended learning


This online professional learning provides Kindergarten ­– Year 8 teachers with an opportunity to explore the importance of vocabulary knowledge for writing and reading. Participants will explore how to plan for explicit vocabulary instruction in all curriculum areas and how to establish a culture that supports word conscious learners. Resources for teaching, consolidating, differentiating and assessing vocabulary instruction will be explored.

Who should participate?

Kindergarten to Year 8. teachers

Mode of delivery

Blended learning - a mix of self-paced and facilitator-led learning


This blended learning course includes 3 self-paced modules and a facilitated session

Modules 1-3 are self-paced learning (total 2.5hr). Complete these modules prior to facilitated session.

Module 1: Why vocabulary is critical (approximately 1 hour)

Module 2: Decisions about vocabulary instruction (approximately 30 minutes)

Module 3: Developing confident vocabulary learners (approximately 1 hour)

Module 4: What does explicit teaching of vocabulary look like in the classroom? (Facilitated session)

Completing this blended learning course will help you to:

  • explore the critical nature of vocabulary for writing and reading comprehension
  • develop an understanding of the tier framework for considering vocabulary
  • understand how to use the teaching and learning cycle to frame decisions about vocabulary teaching and learning
  • explore ways to develop 'word conscious' vocabulary learners
  • understand the role of context clues, morphology and figurative language in learning new vocabulary
  • develop a deeper understanding of how vocabulary can be explicitly taught in the classroom.

2025 dates

Term 1

Facilitated session: Thursday 3 April (9:30am-1:30pm)

Register for ‘Focus on vocabulary - blended learning' via MyPL (course code NR29199).

Note: To enrol in this course, participants must first complete the prerequisite 'Leading literacy and numeracy professional learning in my school' (course code NR33689.).


If you have any questions, contact

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