Quirky comics: Chinese – 喂,喂 1

This beginner text is about a young man who receives a mysterious phone call that leads him to different places.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Mystery phone call – 喂,喂 1 – Level 1' (3:23)

Mystery phone call – 喂,喂 – Level 1

(Duration: 3 minutes 23 seconds)

Frame 1-1

Man with blue hair: Wèi, wèi.


Telephone: Xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn, qǐng lái huǒchē zhàn qiánmiànde kāfēi diàn.

下午两点, 请来火车站前面的咖啡店。

Man with blue hair: Shénme? Nǐ shì shéi? Wèi, wèi.

什么? 你是谁? 喂,喂。

Frame 1-2

Man with blue hair: Zhēn qíguài! Xiàwǔ liǎng diǎn, qù kāfēi diàn. Zhè shì zěnme yīhuíshì?

真奇怪! 下午两点,去咖啡店. 这是怎么一回事?

Frame 2-1

Woman with orange hat: Nǐ shì Wěijiàn ma?


Man with blue hair: Duì a! Wǒ jiùshì.


Woman with orange hat: Zhè shì gěi nǐ de.


Man with blue hair: Āi, nǐ shì jiā líng ma?


Woman with orange hat: Bùshì. Nǐ nòng cuòle.

不是。 你弄错了。

Frame 2-2

Man with blue hair: Qǐng qù yóujú pángbiān de fǎ láng.


Frame 3

Woman with purple sunglasses: Nǐ shì Wěijiàn ma?


Man with blue hair: Duì a! Nǐ shì jiā líng ma?


Woman with purple sunglasses: Bùshì. Nǐ nòng cuòle. Qǐng guòlái, dài shàng jiǎfǎ.

不是。 你弄错了。请过来,戴上假发。

Man with blue hair: Shénme? Dài shàng jiǎfǎ? Wǒ biàn chéng wǒ lǎobà le.

什么?戴上假发? 我变成我老爸了。

Woman with purple sunglasses: Āi, bié fā láosāo. Tīngzhe, xiànzài qù yínháng hòumiàn de shízhuāng diàn.


Man with blue hair: Kěshì…


Woman with purple sunglasses: Kuài, shíjiān bù duōle!


Frame 4-1

Woman with pink wig: Nǐ shì Wěijiàn ma?


Man with blue hair: Shì, nǐ shì jiā líng ma?

是, 你是嘉玲吗?

Woman with pink wig: Bùshì. Guòlái, chuān shàng dàyī.

不是。过来, 穿上大衣。

Man with blue hair: Wèishéme?


Woman with pink wig: Nǐ bié wèn. Kuài chuān shàng ba!


Woman with pink wig: Kàn, hěn héshēn.


Frame 4-2

Man with blue hair: Zhēn qíguài!


Woman with pink wig: Xiànzài nǐ qù bǎihuò shāngdiàn lǐmiàn de zīxún chù.


Man with blue hair: Shénme? Zhè shì zěnme yīhuíshì?


Woman with pink wig: Kuài, kuài, kuài. Méi shíjiānle.


Frame 5-1

Woman with eye patch: À, Wěijiàn, zhōngyú děngdào nǐle.

啊,伟建, 终于等到你了。

Man with blue hair: Nǐ shì jiā líng ma?


Woman with eye patch: Bùshì. Nǐ nòng cuòle. Kuài, dài shàng mòjìng. Kàn, duō xiāosǎ!

不是。你弄错了。快, 戴上墨镜。看,多潇洒!

Man with blue hair: Wǒ hútúle. Zhè shì zěnme yīhuíshì?


Woman with eye patch: Nǐ biéguǎn. Xiànzài chéng diàntī shàng wǔ lóu.


Frame 5-2

Man with blue hair: Shénme? Shàng wǔ lóu? Gǎo shénme guǐ a!

什么? 上五楼? 搞什么鬼啊!

Frame 6

Elevator (woman’s voice): Èr lóu.


Elevator (woman’s voice): Sān lóu.


Elevator (woman’s voice): Sì lóu.


Elevator (woman’s voice): Wǔ lóu.


Woman in elevator: Shēngrì kuàilè!


[End of transcript]


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Languages K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2019

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