Quirky comics: Spanish – bad day – level 2

This intermediate text is about a girl who encounters a sequence of bad events while trying to get to school.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Spanish – bad day – level 2' (1:58).

Spanish bad day level 2

(Duration: 1 minute 58 seconds)

Bad Day (¡Qué desastre!) – Level 2

Frame 1-1

Girl with two hair buns: Oh, ya son las seis, ¡Qué terrible! Tengo que estar en la escuela pronto esta mañana. Tengo un examen de matemáticas.

Oh, it’s already six. That’s terrible! I have to be at school early this morning. I have a maths exam.

Frame 1-2

Girl with two hair buns: ¡Mi mochila! ¿Dónde puse mi mochila?

My schoolbag! Where did I put my school bag?

Girl with two hair buns: No está ahi.

It isn’t there.

Girl with two hair buns: Tampoco está en mi armario.

It isn’t in my wardrobe either.

Frame 2-1

Girl with two hair buns: ¡Aquí está! ¡La encontré!

Here it is! I found it!

Frame 2-2

Girl pouring cereal: ¡Oh! ¡Ya no hay cereales!

Oh, there’s no cereal left!

Frame 2-3

Girl pouring milk: ¡Tampoco hay leche!

There’s no milk either.

Frame 2-4

Girl with two hair buns: ¡Puaj! ¡Qué asquerosa, esta tostada!

Ugh. This toast is disgusting!

Frame 3-1

Girl with two hair buns and pink cat: ¡Qué horror! ¡Hay una mosca en el zumo!

Oh yuck! There’s a fly in the juice.

Frame 4-1

Girl with two hair buns walking: Bueno, es la hora de irme. No quiero perder el autobús.

OK, time to go. I don’t want to miss the bus.

Frame 4-2

Girl with two hair buns steps on dog poop: ¡Caca! ¡Qué asqueroso es! Mi zapato está todo sucio.

Poo! How disgusting! My shoe is all dirty.

Frame 5-1

Red bus driving off: Ay, ¡no! Es asqueroso. Estoy sucia. ¡Ey! Espérame!

Oh no! That’s disgusting. I am dirty. Hey, wait for me!

Frame 5-2

Girl with 2 hair buns walking: Bueno, no importa. Me voy caminando. Todavía puedo llegar a tiempo.

OK, it doesn’t matter. I’ll walk. I can still get there on time.

Frame 6-1

Girl with 2 hair buns: Por fin he llegado. ¿Por qué hay tanta tranquilidad aquí?

Finally I made it. Why is it so quiet here?

Frame 6-2

Girl with 2 hair buns: Perdón, señor Leon, ¿ya sonó la campana?

Excuse me Mr Leon, has the bell already gone?

Painter: No, no hay escuela hoy, ¡es domingo!

No, there are no classes today. It’s Sunday!

Frame 6-3

Girl with 2 hair buns: ¡Domingo! ¡Ay! ¡Que tonta soy!

Sunday! I am so silly!

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Modern Languages K-10
  • Spanish
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

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  • Curriculum
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