Quirky comics: Korean – sick – level 2

This intermediate text is an entertaining text about students who feel sick at school and have to go to the nurse.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'Korean – Sick – level 2' (4:02).

Korean sick level 2

(Duration: 4 minutes 2 seconds)

Sick Korean – Level 2

Frame 1-1

Girl with braids: Today, I'm feeling so hungry.

머리 땋은 소녀: 오늘 배가 너무 고파요.

Frame 1-2

Boy with blond tuft: Sir, Hana is sick

금발머리 소년: 선생님, 하나가 아파요.

Frame 1-3

Girl with braids: Ah! My tummy. My stomach is hurting.

머리 땋은 소녀: 아! 배가. 제 배가 너무 아파요.

Frame 1-4

Teacher: Take Hana Go to the nurse immediately.

선생님: 당장 하나를 데리고 간호사에게 가세요.

Frame 1-5

Boy with blond tuft: What did you eat for lunch?

금발머리 소년: 점심으로 뭐 먹었어요?

Frame 1-6

Girl with braids: I ate too much spaghetti in the canteen. Ow! It hurts!

머리 땋은 소녀: 매점에서 스파게티를 너무 많이 먹었어. 아! 아파!

Frame 2-1

Boy with blond tuft: Excuse me? Nurse, Hana feels sick. She has a sore stomach...She ate too much spaghetti in the canteen

금발머리 소년: 실례합니다, 간호사 선생님, 하나가 아파요. 배탈이 났어요… 매점에서 스파게티를 너무 많이 먹었어요.

Frame 2-2

Nurse: You’re sick?

간호사: 아파요?

Frame 2-3

Nurse: Don’t worry! A band-aid will fix everything.

간호사: 걱정하지 마세요! 반창고가 모든걸 고칠 수 있어요.

Frame 3-1

Nurse: Here you go! Now you’ll be fine soon.

간호사: 여기 있어요! 곧 괜찮아 질거예요.

Frame 3-2

Boy with blond tuft: What! A band aid for a sore stomach?

금발머리 소년: 뭐라고요? 배가 아픈데 반창고를 준다고요?

Frame 3-3

Narrator: In another room

나레이션: 다른 방

Frame 3-4

Boy with blond tuft: What happened to these kids? Are they sick too?

금발머리 소년: 이 아이들은 무슨일이 있었어요? 이 아이들도 아파요?

Frame 3-5

Nurse: No! He fell from stairs. Don’t worry. Headache or stomachache, a band aid will fix everything.

간호사: 아니요! 계단에서 떨어졌어요. 걱정 마세요. 두통이나 배탈이 나면 반창고가 치료해 줄 거예요.

Frame 4-1

Girl with red hair: What happened, Junho?

빨간 머리 소녀: 준호, 무슨 일이 있었나요?

Frame 4-2

Boy with blue helmet: Ah! I fell off my bike.

파란헬멧 소년: 아! 자전거에서 떨어졌어요.

Frame 4-3

Girl with red hair: Where are you hurt?

빨간 머리 소녀: 어디가 아파요?

Frame 4-4

Boy with blue helmet: On my foot. My foot is swollen.

파란헬멧 소년: 발이요. 발이 부었어요.

Frame 4-5

Girl with red hair: Let’s go to the nurse now

빨간 머리 소녀: 지금 간호사에게 가요.

Frame 4-6

Nurse voice over: Don’t worry. Here’s a band-aid.

간호사 목소리: 걱정 마세요. 반창고 여기 있어요.

Frame 5-1

Boy with red nose: Brrr!!! It’s so cold and it’s raining heavily.

빨간코 소년: 으악!!! 날씨가 너무 춥고 비가 많이 오고 있어요.

Frame 5-2

Boy with red nose: Acchoo! I have a runny nose and a sore throat. I’m going to nurse.

빨간코 소년: 엣취! 콧물도 나고 목도 아파요. 간호사 선생님에게 가요.

Boy with red nose: aachhoo!

빨간코 소년: 엣취!

Frame 5-3

Nurse voice over: Don’t worry. Here’s a band-aid.

간호사 목소리: 걱정마세요. 반창고 여기 있어요.

Frame 6-1

Boy with blond tuft: There is no medicine for a stomach-ache. There is no medicine for a cold. There are band-aids for every sickness. No medicine. Let’s quickly go and tell the Principal.

금발머리 소년: 배탈에 약이 없어요. 감기에 약이 없어요. 모든 병치료로 반창고만 있어요. 약은 없어요. 빨리 교장선생님께 말씀 드려요.

Frame 6-2

Teacher: Kids, you’re absolutely right. This is very bad. I’ll take care of it

선생님: 학생여러분 말이 맞아요. 이건 정말 안 좋아요. 제가 처리할게요.

Frame 6-3

Teacher: Good morning! Can you hear me?

선생님: 여보세요! 잘 들리세요?

Frame 7-1

Truck arrives: A truck arrives at school

트럭 도착: 트럭이 학교에 도착해요.

Frame 7-2

Nurse: 99, 100. Very good! I’ve enough band-aids for everyone.

간호사: 99,100. 매우 좋아요! 모든 사람들을 위한 반창고가 충분해요.

[End of transcript]


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022) © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024.


  • Korean
  • Modern Languages K-10
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

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