Quirky comics: Japanese – What for... 1

This beginner text is about a young man who receives a mysterious phone call that leads him to different places.

The Quirky comics video texts support the teaching of 'Understanding texts' outcomes in the Modern Languages K-10 Syllabus. This can be done in many ways, including:

  • Students can use the provided transcripts to read the stories aloud and record themselves perform the stories as plays.
  • They can summarise, sequence, extend and change the beginning or ending of the stories.
  • They can write profiles of the characters and then put them in different situations.

The texts can also lead to communicative 'Interacting' or 'Creating texts' tasks, such as, telling a nurse why you don’t feel well or writing an invitation to a birthday party.

Watch 'What for... – Level 1' (2:37)

What for... – Level 1

(Duration: 2 minutes 37 seconds)

Frame 1-1

Man: もしもし

Moshi moshi

Frame 1-2

Woman on phone: にじにきっさてんにいって!

Niji ni kissaten ni itte!

Frame 1-3

Man: え?だれ?もしもし!

E? Dare? Moshi moshi!

Frame 1-4

Man: わかりません。きっさてん?にじ?おかしいね!なに?

Wakarimasen. Kissaten? Niji? Okashiine! Nani?

Frame 2-1

Woman orange hat: けんじくん?

Kenji kun?

Frame 2-2

Man: はい、ぼく、けんじ。

Hai, boku, Kenji.

Frame 2-3

Woman orange hat:てがみ。どうぞ。

Tegami. Doozo.

Frame 2-4

Man: あれ?よしこさん?

Are? Yoshikosan?

Frame 2-5

Woman orange hat: いいえ、ちがう。よくよんで!

Iie, chigau. Yoku yonde!

Frame 2-6

Man: びよういんにいって!

Biyooin ni itte!

Frame 2-7

Man: え?


Frame 3-1

Woman with glasses: けんじくん?


Frame 3-2

Man: はい、ぼく、けんじ。よしこさん?

Hai, boku, Kenji. Yoshikosan?

Frame 3-3

Woman in glasses: いいえ、ちがう。すわって!かつらをつけて!

Iie, chigau. Suwatte! Katsura o tsukete.

Frame 3-4

Man in wig: わあ!おとうさんみたい。

Waa! Otoosan mitai.

Frame 3-5

Woman in glasses: よくきいて!ようふくやにいって!

Yoku kiite! Yoofukuya ni itte!

Frame 3-6

Man in wig: でも。。。


Frame 3-7

Woman in glasses: はやく!


Frame 4-1

Woman pink wig: ああ、けんじくん?

Aa, kenjikun?

Frame 4-2

Man in wig: あれ?よしこさん?

Are? Yoshikosan?

Frame 4-3

Woman pink wig: いいえ、ちがう。どうぞ。Kootoをきて!

Iie, chigau. Doozo. Kooto o kite!

Frame 4-4

Man in wig: どうして?


Frame 4-5

Woman pink wig: しんぱいしないで!はやくきて!

Shinpai shinaide! Hayaku kite!

Frame 4-6

Woman pink wig: ああ、ちょうどいい。

Aa, choodo ii.

Frame 4-7

Man in wig: え?なにが?

E? Naniga?

Frame 4-8

Woman pink wig: もうひとつ。Depaatoにいって!

Moo hitotsu. Depaato ni itte!

Frame 4-9

Man in wig: え?どうして?

E? Dooshite?

Frame 4-10

Woman pink wig: はやく!


Frame 5-1

Woman patch: けんじくん?


Frame 5-2

Man wig: あっ、よしこさん!

A, Yoshikosan!

Frame 5-3

Woman patch: いいえ、ちがう。はやく!これ!めがねをかけて!

Iie, chigau. Hayaku! Kore! Megane o kakete!

Frame 5-4

Man glasses: なに?


Frame 5-5

Woman patch: しんぱいしないで!ごかいまでerebeetaaにのりましょう!はやく!

Shinpai shinaide! Go kai made erebeetaa ni norimashoo! Hayaku!

Frame 5-6

Man glasses: え?ごかい?なに?

E? Gokai? Nani?

Frame 6-1

Elevator: うえにまいります。

Ue ni mairimasu.

Frame 6-2

Elevator: にかい

Ni kai

Frame 6-3

Elevator: さんがい

San gai

Frame 6-4

Elevator: よんかい

Yon kai

Frame 6-5

Elevator: ごかいでございます

Go kai de gozaimasu

Frame 6-6

Everyone: おたんじょうびおめでとう!

Otanjyoobi omedetoo!

[End of transcript]


Please note:

Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Languages K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2019

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